Persian Cats Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair Persian similar in temperament and type, with the exception of a short coat, solid.
Persian is used as an outcross in secret by a few American Shorthair (ASH) breeders in the late 1950s to "improve" their breed. Views hybrid gained recognition in the show ring but other farmers are not happy with the changes successfully pushed for a new generation of standards that would disqualify ASH who showed signs of hybridization.
One ASH ranchers who see the potential of the Persian / ASH traffic is proposed and finally managed to get the CFA to recognize them as new species in 1966, with the name of the Exotic Shorthair. Regular outcrossing to Persians have made the present-day Persian Exotic Shorthair similar in every way, including temperament and conformation, with the exception of a short dense coat. He even has inherited a lot of health problems Persia. The more easy to manage coat has made some people label Exotic Shorthair Persian lazy.
Because regular use of Persians as outcrosses, some Exotics may carry a recessive gene copies of classical music fans. When two such cats mate, there is one in four chance that each child with long hair. Ironically, Exotics with long hair are not considered Persian by the CFA, although The International Cat Association accepted them as Persians. other associations to register them as a separate breed longhair Exotic.
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