Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Persian cats are presented in the first event in Crystal Palace, London in 1871. As the specimens closer to the conformation of Persia became more popular types, efforts were made to distinguish it from Angora. The first breed standard (later known as the point of superiority) was published in 1889 by Harrison Weir, the creater showed the first cat. He stated that the Persian is different from Angora in the tail which is longer, fuller hair and rough at the tip and larger head, with less pointy ears. Not all cat breeders agree with the distinction of two types and in the 1903 book "Book Cat" Francis Simpson stated that "the difference, apparently with almost no difference, between Angoras and Persians was of so delicate nature that I should be pardoned if I ignore the ordinary class called the Angora cat. "
Bevill Dorothy Champion describes the differences between the two types of Everybody's Books 1909 Cat:

Our pedigree imported long hair-day no doubt cross from Angora and Persian, the second has a round head of the mantle, the former also is quite different qualities. The coat of the Persian consists of wool under a long outer coat and woolly coat. In the summer it lost all underwool thick, and only long hair remains. Also slightly shorter hair on the shoulder and upper back leg.

Now, the Angora has a coat that is very different, consisting of long, soft hair, depending on the keys, leaned into little curls or waves in the lower body. Long hair is also much on the shoulders and hind legs of Persia, is a big improvement, but failed Angora Persian in the head, the first having more wedge-shaped head, whereas that of the modern Persian superior roundness.

Of course. Angoras and Persians were constantly crossed, with an increase each decide to breed, but the long-haired cat is more obvious today grew from the Persian-Angora.
Champion deplores the lack of distinction between types of long-haired variety by the breeder of English, who in 1887, decided to group them under the umbrella term "long-haired cat."

 Anggora pictures


Persian Pictures 

Persian Cat Medium

This image is a cat type of medium peersia.

exotic persian cats

Exotic persian cats picture's and walpeper

Persian Cats

Is a long-haired Persian cat is marked with a round face and short muzzle. Its name refers to the Persian, Iran's former name, in which the same cat was found. Recognized by the cat fancy since the late 19th century, was developed first by the British, and especially by American farmers after the Second World War. In Britain, it is called an artist or a Persian classical musician.
Captive breeding selectively performed by breeders has allowed the development of a variety of coat colors, but also lead to the creation of the flat-faced Persian. Preferred by farmers; this head structure can bring with it a number of health problems. As with the type of Siam, there are efforts by some breeders to preserve the old type of cat with a snout more prominent, which is more popular with the general public. Polycystic kidney disease is prevalent in the breed offspring, affecting nearly half the population in some countries.
Calm and simple nature of the Persian confer the propensity for apartment living. It has been the most popular type in the United States for many years but its popularity has seen a decrease in the UK and France.

Himalayah Funny Cats pictures

This image is a Norwegia cat pictures are very funny

Norwegia Funny Cats pictures

This image is a Norwegia cat pictures are very funny

funny Anggora cats pictures

This image is a Anggora cat pictures are very funny

Funny Cats of Persia pictures

This image is a Persian cat pictures are very funny

Funny Hamster picture

indeed very made grimly funny look at the behavior they are not?


Roborovskis Hamster

Roborovskis (Phodopus roborovskii) or desert hamster is the smallest of all hamsters, an average of under one inch at birth, and (rarely) three inches long as adults. Distinguishing characteristics of Roborovskis is eyebrow-like, white spots, and absence of back line (there are other members of the genus Phodopus). The average lifespan for hamsters Roborovski is three (3) years, although this depends on living conditions (extreme that four years in captivity and two in the wild). Another "unique" features of "Robo" is that they are hypoallergenic, unlike many of their brethren larger

Syirian Golden Hamster

Syrian golden hamsters or hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, is a very popular member of the subfamily Cricetinae rodents, hamsters. In the wild they are now considered vulnerable. Their numbers have been declining due to habitat loss (caused by agriculture) and the deliberate destruction by humans [1] However,. they are popular as pets and animals in scientific studies. Adults grow 5-7 inches (13 to 18 cm) in length, and typically will have 2 to 3 years, but can live to 5 years. Dull golden hamster is an animal. They tend to wake up after sunset, late at night and at dawn, causing some people mistakenly described them as night.

Panda Hamster

Panda Hamster is the hamster type of Campbell who has black and white. Very funny to see because a glance is similar to beef (such as cattle that are black and white). Hamsters are very shy.

Hamster Funny

This image is a behavior that is very cute hamsters, so that makes us passionately, laugh therefore

Campbell Hamster

 Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli) is a species of hamster. Hamsters are found by W.C. Campbell in 1902 in Tuva, an area that is geographically and history connect with China and Russia. Hamsters are also living in Central Asia, Altay mountains, and Heilungkiang and Hebei province in northeast China.