Thursday, December 2, 2010

Himalayan Cats

Fans of classical music or Colorpoint Himalayas created by crossing Persians with Siamese. This intersection also introduced brown and purple color to the solid-colored Persians.

In 1950, Siam was crossed with Persians to make a breed with the Persian body type but colorpoint pattern of Siam. It was named the Himalayas, after other animals such as rabbits colorpoint Himalayas. In England the breed was recognized as Colorpoint longhair. Himalayan stand as a separate breed in the United States until 1984, when the CFA joined the Persians, to appeal the board of the second type of offspring. Some Persian breeders are not happy with the introduction of this "hybrid" to "pure" their line of Persian.

CFA Himalayans registration set by the breeder will be able to see a descendant of the Himalayan Persian with the mere sight of pedigree registration number. This is to make it easier for farmers who do not want blood Himalayas in their breeding lines to avoid individuals who, while not necessarily indicate a pattern colorpoint, can carry the gene recessively point color. Himalayan Persian by descent have registration numbers beginning with 3 and is usually referred to by breeders as carriers colorpoint (CPC) or 3000-series cat, although not all will actually carry the recessive gene. Siam is also a source for the brown and purple in the Persian solid.

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